With Mother’s Day fast approaching, I feel the need to reflect on my mother and the other mothers that I am so fortunate to have in my life. We fail to understand many things as men, but I know the sacrifices that at least two mothers in my life have made.
I can’t help but continuously play songs like Tupac’s “Dear Mama,” Kanye West’s “Hey Mama,” and Boyz II Men’s “A Song for Momma. These songs help me center myself to help me in writing a letter that will capture how thankful I feel to have you as my mother. In this world, we only really ever get one mother, and I have personally witnessed others that are much less fortunate than me as they do not have a mother whose love is as unwavering and unconditional as yours. So in preparation for Mother’s day, we as men should take the time to reflect on the mothers and women that have had profound impacts on our life. While we highlight them on Sunday, they should be celebrated and revered every day. So if you take nothing from me sharing a letter to my mother, take it as an open invitation to make sure your mother knows how much she means to you.
Dear Mom,
Now that I’m grown, I realize I don’t just feel gratitude for you — but admiration. I’d want to pattern my life after yours even if you weren’t my mother. Thank you for being my strength, role model, hero, and motivation for life.
Your guidance, trust, and understanding have helped shape me into the man, father, and husband I am today. Because of you, I have the emotional intelligence to maneuver through some of the most challenging situations that I have faced. It is because of you that I hold women in such high regard as they should be. It was and is because of you that I wanted two daughters, and
I am happy that I was fortunate enough for that to be my reality.
Mama, you sacrificed so I could rise. I want you to know I see that. Having children has made me implicitly aware of the cost of the sacrifices you had to make, but still, I am grateful that you chose to make them. Because of those, I hope that I can be at least half the parent that you were for me.
I wish for nothing more than for you to find peace and happiness. When people talk about a superwoman or a woman’s work like Alicia Keys and Maxwell, I know they are talking about you.
While life has not always been easy, you made sure that you raised me with the love that only a mother could. I hope I can raise my two girls to be as strong and as driven as you. Our conversations are what I cherish most — understanding you as a mother and as a person as an adult has been a pleasure.
Thank you again for being the best possible mother.
Love Always