Dear Indiana,
Life had been fantastic with my faith, family, and love, but it became an endless void when I was bruised, battered, and beaten down by circumstance. As Common says, “One day, it’ll all make sense,” and I held onto that belief. Let me back up a little to provide some context. I had been gone for a while, enjoying simply being a husband, father, brother, and lover. But sometimes God has other plans for us. That’s how I ended up in survival mode for far too long. My family recently reminded me that I had lost my laugh, void of the poise and nostalgia that I once exhibited.
The second half of 2023 marked the reinvention, rebirth, and death of what was and what had to come next. The passion I had lost and walked away from – the nouns, verbs, adverbs, and metaphors – was no longer devoid of my vision. I knew where I had to go to ensure I properly understood my creative outlet once again.
I recalled Indiana as the place where I was born, where I left, where I grew, where I returned, where I had children, and now, where it was time to go for good.
So I left this letter as a reminder of the successes, failures, loves, losses, and passion that led me back to the state where I was born, hopeful for the future ahead.
Sincerely yours,